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How to Measure the Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in a Liquid?


What is Dissolved Oxygen?

Dissolved oxygen is oxygen gas (O2) that has been dissolved in a liquid, typically water. It is a crucial element for supporting aquatic life, as many organisms, such as fish and other marine creatures, rely on oxygen for respiration. Dissolved oxygen levels in water can vary depending on various factors, including temperature, salinity, and pressure.

Importance of Measuring Dissolved Oxygen

Measuring dissolved oxygen is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it helps monitor the health of aquatic ecosystems. Low levels of dissolved oxygen can indicate poor water quality, which can have detrimental effects on fish populations and other aquatic organisms. Additionally, measuring dissolved oxygen is essential for assessing the efficiency of water treatment processes and ensuring the success of aquaculture operations.

Measuring Dissolved Oxygen

Methods of Measuring Dissolved Oxygen

Several methods are available for measuring the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a liquid. The choice of method depends on the specific application, the required accuracy, and the available resources. Here are three commonly used methods:

Winkler Method

The Winkler method is a widely accepted and accurate technique for measuring dissolved oxygen. It involves a series of chemical reactions that convert dissolved oxygen into a measurable form. The key steps of the Winkler method include the addition of reagents, the formation of a precipitate, and the titration of the sample. While the Winkler method provides reliable results, it can be time-consuming and requires careful handling of chemicals.

Electrochemical Methods

Electrochemical methods rely on the measurement of electrical signals generated by the reaction between dissolved oxygen and electrodes. These methods are relatively quick, cost-effective, and easy to use. They are commonly used in portable dissolved oxygen meters and sensors. Two common electrochemical methods are the polarographic method and the galvanic method.

Optical Methods

Optical methods utilize the principle of oxygen quenching of luminescent compounds to measure dissolved oxygen. These methods involve the use of special probes or optodes that emit light and detect the changes caused by the presence of dissolved oxygen. Optical methods are non-invasive, fast, and provide real-time measurements. They are often used in research settings and industrial applications.

Winkler Method


The Winkler method is based on a series of chemical reactions that involve the conversion of dissolved oxygen to a measurable form. It starts with the addition of manganese sulfate and alkali iodide azide to a water sample containing dissolved oxygen. These reagents react with dissolved oxygen, forming a precipitate of manganese dioxide.


The Winkler method involves several steps. First, a water sample is collected and treated with reagents to precipitate manganese dioxide. The precipitate is then dissolved with acid, and the resulting iodine is titrated with a standard sodium thiosulfate solution. The titration determines the amount of dissolved oxygen in the original water sample.


While the Winkler method is accurate, it has some limitations. It is a time-consuming process that requires careful handling of chemicals. Additionally, the presence of other substances in the water sample, such as reducing agents or high levels of sulfide, can interfere with the accuracy of the measurement.

Electrochemical Methods


Electrochemical methods rely on the measurement of electrical signals generated by the reaction between dissolved oxygen and electrodes. In the polarographic method, a polarographic sensor is used to measure the reduction of oxygen at a cathode. In the galvanic method, a galvanic cell generates a current proportional to the concentration of dissolved oxygen.


Electrochemical methods are relatively straightforward. The dissolved oxygen sensor is immersed in the liquid, and the generated electrical signals are measured and converted into dissolved oxygen concentration values. These methods are commonly used in portable instruments for field measurements.


Electrochemical methods can be affected by temperature changes, pH levels, and the presence of other gases in the liquid. They may require regular calibration to ensure accurate measurements. In some cases, fouling or polarization of the electrodes can affect the sensor’s performance.

Optical Methods


Optical methods rely on the quenching of luminescent compounds by dissolved oxygen. These methods involve the use of special probes or optodes that emit light and detect the changes caused by the presence of dissolved oxygen. The intensity of the emitted light is inversely proportional to the concentration of dissolved oxygen.


Optical methods are relatively quick and non-invasive. The optode or probe is immersed in the liquid, and the changes in luminescence are measured. The measurements are then converted into dissolved oxygen concentration values using calibration curves.


Optical methods can be affected by factors such as temperature, turbidity, and fouling of the optode surface. They require calibration to ensure accurate measurements. Additionally, the cost of optodes and specialized equipment may limit their widespread use.

Factors Affecting Dissolved Oxygen Measurement

Several factors can influence the measurement of dissolved oxygen in a liquid. It is important to consider these factors to ensure accurate and reliable results. The key factors include:


The temperature has a significant impact on the solubility of oxygen in a liquid. As temperature increases, the solubility of oxygen decreases. Therefore, it is crucial to measure dissolved oxygen at the correct temperature or adjust the readings accordingly.


The presence of dissolved salts, or salinity, can affect the solubility of oxygen in water. Higher salinity levels can reduce the dissolved oxygen concentration. When measuring dissolved oxygen in saline environments, it is essential to account for the salinity effect.


Pressure also influences the solubility of oxygen in a liquid. As pressure increases, the solubility of oxygen increases. However, the effect of pressure on dissolved oxygen measurement is typically negligible under normal conditions.

pH Level

pH levels can affect the chemical reactions involved in some measurement methods, such as the Winkler method. It is important to maintain the appropriate pH range for accurate measurements.

Presence of Other Gases

The presence of other gases, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, can interfere with the measurement of dissolved oxygen. These gases can affect the solubility and diffusion of oxygen, leading to inaccurate readings.

Applications of Dissolved Oxygen Measurement

Measuring dissolved oxygen is crucial in various industries and environmental monitoring. Some key applications include:

Environmental Monitoring

Dissolved oxygen measurement is vital for assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and oceans. It helps identify areas with low oxygen levels, which can impact fish populations and overall ecosystem balance.


In aquaculture operations, measuring dissolved oxygen is essential for maintaining optimal conditions for fish and other aquatic organisms. It helps prevent oxygen depletion and ensures the overall well-being of the cultured species.

Water Treatment

Dissolved oxygen measurement plays a crucial role in water treatment processes. It helps assess the efficiency of aeration systems, biological treatment methods, and the overall oxygen demand of the water.

Brewing and Winemaking

Dissolved oxygen measurement is critical in the brewing and winemaking industry. It helps ensure the quality and stability of the final products. Controlling dissolved oxygen levels during the production process is vital to prevent off-flavors and maintain product consistency.


Measuring the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a liquid is essential for various applications, ranging from environmental monitoring to industrial processes. Different methods, such as the Winkler method, electrochemical methods, and optical methods, provide accurate and reliable measurements. However, it is crucial to consider factors like temperature, salinity, and the presence of other gases when interpreting the results. By understanding and monitoring dissolved oxygen levels, we can better manage and protect aquatic ecosystems, optimize industrial processes, and ensure the well-being of aquatic organisms.


Q1: Why is measuring dissolved oxygen important in aquatic ecosystems?
A1: Measuring dissolved oxygen in aquatic ecosystems is crucial because it provides valuable information about the health of the ecosystem and the availability of oxygen for aquatic organisms. Low levels of dissolved oxygen can lead to oxygen depletion and negatively impact fish populations and other aquatic life.

Q2: What are the common units used to express dissolved oxygen concentration?

A2: Dissolved oxygen concentration is commonly expressed in units of milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm).

Q3: Can dissolved oxygen levels affect fish populations?

A3: Yes, dissolved oxygen levels have a direct impact on fish populations. Insufficient levels of dissolved oxygen can lead to fish stress, impaired growth, and even fish kills in extreme cases.

Q4: How does temperature affect dissolved oxygen concentration?

A4: Temperature affects the solubility of oxygen in the water. As temperature increases, the solubility of oxygen decreases. Therefore, higher temperatures result in lower dissolved oxygen concentrations.

Q5: Is it necessary to calibrate the dissolved oxygen measurement instrument?

A5: Yes, it is necessary to calibrate the dissolved oxygen measurement instrument regularly to ensure accurate and reliable results. Calibration helps account for any drift or changes in the instrument’s performance over time.